Expenses that may be claimed from B.O.A. Treasurer
- All expenses will be reimbursed at cost, on production of receipts
All efforts should be made to minimise expenses, eg. sharing cars, 2nd class post, etc.
Violations may result in claims being refused.
For non-playing Referees at official B.O.A. tournaments
- Petrol expenses for private car travel to and from tournament.
- If agreed as necessary by B.O.A. Competitions Manager, overnight accomodation at cost.
- Cost of evening meal, subject to authorisation of receipt by B.O.A. Treasurer.
For Committee Members, Regional Reps, Coaches or other members when agreed
by Treasurer
- 2nd class postage.
- Photocopying & printing costs.
- Telephone calls (when supported by itemised phone bill).
- Petrol expenses for private car travel to / from comittee meetings subject to maximum of
- Stationery costs.