CMAS EC logo SI flag kranj

Europese Onderwaterhockey Kampioenschappen 1999, Kranj, Slovenië

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Diverse foto's

The bouncers
"I don't care who you are, mate,
you're not coming in here..."

Neil's birthday
GB Masters: "How much beer do we have to buy the referee
to guarantee we win our division?"

Controlling the video camera
Video cameras are child's play . . .

Balazs and Gergo of Hungary
Hungary's youngest fans: the photographer
insists he was sober when he took this!

Margot 1

Margot 2

Il Bambino
Spain vs Italy: tense moments . . .

Warmup Time
GB Women: "I've got rhythm, I've got music . . ."

GB Men: a moment of Madness . . .

Dick Trap, Miro Peternelj, Rob Schipper

Miro Peternelj with the two
representatives from Egypt

Achille Ferrero, CMAS President,
making the presentations

GB Men
GB Men sunning themselves

The full Dutch team
The entire Dutch contingent

Daz 'n' Diz!
Mark 'n' Des of the GB Men: "Dodgy Geezers!"

On top of the world!
On top of the world!

Beer jugs!
Mel of GB Elite: "More beer please!"

Giorgio Trotter: Italian referee


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