Chesham TDC Barcelona '99: "The Catalan Caper" Catalan


Thursday 2nd - Wednesday 8th December 1999

Tour Logo 1
Tour Logo 2

Tour Diary

The Crew


The first ever "Ciutat de Barcelona" tournament was the setting for the Chesham Octopush Touring and Drinking Club's first visit to the Iberian Peninsula, where we met old friends from Slovenia and made new friends from Toulouse and Marseille, as well as from Spain itself. Our hosts had asked for national-strength teams, so a few new faces were brought in to supplement the familiar faces of Eryl, Keith and Andy. The team gelled perfectly, and we actually won the tournament, though not before most of us had had our nerves tested and our hair turned grey by a final that must rate as the most thrilling game any of us had seen in a long time. Both teams held the lead at various stages, before we just scraped through 4-3. A great tournament and a most enjoyable weekend. We look forward to seeing all these teams again.

Report by Clare, Michelle, Anton, Eryl & Martin. Find it online at
When viewing online, click on any of the photographs in the Tour Diary to view the full-size image.

Intro Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday The Crew Results

Web Design by Reed Consulting (UK) Limited. Report last updated 16th January 2003. Please visit or comment.