15th October 1999

Dates and Contacts


Dates of forthcoming tournaments

Nautilus National League 20th November Crystal Palace C
Inter-Regionals 8th January 2000 Crystal Palace P
Quarter Finals /
.Semi Finals
4th-5th Mar 2000 Crystal Palace P
National Finals 1st April Crystal Palace C
World Championships 16th-30th April Tasmania,


Dates of forthcoming B.O.A. Committee meetings:

Sunday 28th November - Venue: Batley

Sunday 23rd January - Venue: Northampton

Sunday 12th March - Venue: To be arranged



A complete and updated list of all forthcoming events can be found on the BOA web site at



Martin Reed, B.O.A. Webmaster (webmaster@britishoctopush.org), has also organised for all committee members, area representatives and regional competitions managers to have their own BOA email addresses.

All addresses are of the form "xxxxxx@britishoctopush.org", where the full list of variations on the job function "xxxxxx" can be found on the BOA web site under "The B.O.A.", followed by either "The National Committee", "UK Area Representatives" or "Regional Competition Managers". Please note that not every B.O.A. representative has personal email, so mail sent to any such address gets bounced to the Webmaster.


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To order printed copies of this magazine, please contact Helen Field at publications@britishoctopush.org.

Web Design by Reed Consulting (UK) Limited. Page last updated 1st November 1999.