Intro Friday Saturday Sunday Monday The Crew Results

Monday 23rd February 1998

Sleeping off the whisky . . .If getting up on Sunday had been difficult, this beat all comers. Our alarm clocks went off in sync at half past four in the morning, waking us up at around the same time as Dejan and his team mates were getting in from a night on the town.

Some of us arose pretty bright and breezy; not so Martin R, who had half a litre of twelve-year-old single malt whisky inside him. Little did he know that that was only the start of what for him was going to be a really bad day . . .

None of us were moving at speed, but we got our act together sufficiently to be out of the door at 5:10, with a 5:40 bus to catch from a bus stop that was a mere ten-minute walk away. Moreover, Igor had taken Andrew and Martin H into town the previous evening so that we knew exactly where we were going. It all seemed pretty straightforward.

Ed at the airport

Unfortunately, by the time we had arrived at the bus stop, realization had dawned on Martin R that he had left our tournament certificate in his room, by which time it was too late to go back and get it. We resolved to ask Miso and Igor if it would be possible to get another, and pushed it to one side, as there was nothing else we could do.

The bus arrived a couple of minutes after 5.40, Keith handed over the money, and we settled into our seats for the journey to the airport. We arrived shortly after six o'clock to a completely deserted airport - we had beaten even the staff to it - but slowly people in uniform filtered in, lights went on, hatches and kiosks opened and the airport came to life.

Ed was amused to see that every check-in point was emblazoned with a sticker saying that all firearms must be declared - not that they were prohibited -implying that it was OK to take them on the plane as long as you declared them at check-in. Everyone else went into low-power mode, and within a few minutes the entry hall looked like the scene of a massacre, with Chesham bodies strewn all around.


Martin H asleep


Sara asleep at the airport

The Sandman swoops on Martin H

Sara files herself where she can't fall off

Eventually, a check-in desk opened, and we formed a rather disorderly queue. It was then that disaster really struck Martin R, as he discovered that he no longer had his flight ticket with him. A million disclaimer forms and fourteen thousand Toler later, Air Adria issued him with a replacement ticket, but it was a hard lesson learned.

At shortly before seven we filtered through into the departure lounge in time to catch our 7.20 flight. Many of us made use of the Duty Free facilities, and it was interesting to see how many Western commodities were on sale that none of us had ever seen in the Duty Free shop of a Western airport.

Just when we thought we were on the home stretch, a message flashed up on the announcements board to say that our flight would be delayed by twenty minutes, and this was followed fifteen minutes later by an announcement of a further fifteen-minute delay. Our hearts sank. Fortunately, there were no further delays, and a smooth flight brought us back to London at approximately 9.30 UK time. A bonus was excellent visibility as we passed over Central London, and we were all craning our necks out of the windows to spot well-known London landmarks. Sara was even able to identify the house of a friend of hers in Victoria - the visibility really was that good.

We made our way to the arrivals hall without incident, and said our goodbyes, thereby bringing our excellent adventure - and the Touring and Drinking Club's first outing - to a close.

Join us in Bussum and Bologna!


Intro Friday Saturday Sunday Monday The Crew Results

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