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Octopush / Underwater Hockey Fan Pages
Page updated 7th April 2019.

To contribute corrections, links, info, news, contact details, fixture details and
additions to this page, please email Martin Reed at .

The following is a list of "fan pages", developed by underwater hockey enthusiasts,
and not on behalf of a club, federation or other such governing body.
It is not claimed to be an exhaustive list, and all contributions are most welcome.

"Canada UWH Memes"  Facebook  fb www.facebook.com/CanadaUWHmemes
"GB UWH Memes"  Facebook  fb www.facebook.com/GB-UWH-memes-238242836686967
"Hockey subacuático"  Facebook  fb www.facebook.com/Hockey-subacuático-133442520052733
"Hockey-Subacuatico"  Facebook  fb www.facebook.com/Hockey-Subacuatico-453660394693581
"Italian UWH Memes"  Facebook  fb www.facebook.com/UWHitalianmemes
  Instagram  instagram www.instagram.com/uwhmemes
"NZ UWH Memes"  Facebook  fb www.facebook.com/uwhmemes
"Once Were Warriors"  Facebook  fb www.facebook.com/UWHOnceWereWarriors
"Sports Heroes"  Website  web www.sportsheroes.net
"The Core UWH"  Facebook  fb www.facebook.com/thecoreuwh
  Twitter  twitter www.twitter.com/TheCoreUWH
"UnderWaterHockey"  Facebook  fb www.facebook.com/LoveUWH
"Underwater Hockey TV"  Facebook  fb www.facebook.com/UwhTv - site dead?
"underwaterhockeyworld"  Website  web www.underwaterhockeyworld.com
"Unofficial Underwater Hockey"  Website  web www.underwaterhockeysport.com
  Facebook  fb www.facebook.com/Unofficial-underwater-hockey-1606440286263905
  email  email
"UW-Hockey"  Website  web www.uw-hockey.com - site down
  Facebook  fb www.facebook.com/uwhockey
"UWH Coach"  Facebook  fb www.facebook.com/uwhcoach
"UWH Trainer"  Website  web www.uwhtrainer.com
  Facebook  fb www.facebook.com/uwhtrainer-319639740615
"UWH Scores"  Website  web www.uwhscores.com
"WAA"  Website  web www.thewaa.org
  Facebook  fb www.facebook.com/WAA-209367785811727
  email  email
"UWH International"  Facebook  fb www.facebook.com/groups/3083165343

Any new links, or info regarding broken links, please email .